How do you know if you have a Boston accent?

If more than two people from California say, “You sound just like the Kennedys!” then you have a Boston accent.

Dave Ives


Wally Gobetz on flikr

Many years ago I discovered a great way to tell if you have a Boston accent. It took me a while to figure it out but I finally uncovered this simple formula. If you’re uncertain, if you’re not quite sure, if you need confirmation, then I’ve got the perfect way for you to settle it once and for all.

Do you have a Boston accent or don’t you?

Well, I suppose if you grew up in the Boston metro area, you probably have little use for my discovery. You’re probably a card carrying Boston accent champion.

But, what if you’re like me and grew up outside the city area? That’s when my discovery comes in handy.

Let me explain.

I grew up in southern New Hampshire, small town called Pelham, right on the Massachusetts-New Hampshire boarder, only 34 miles outside of Boston. Growing up I thought I had a New Hampshire accent. Or, as my cousins from Dorchester (section of Boston) called it — a “Cow-Hampshire” accent. Not sure why my home state got the “Cow-Hampshire” label … maybe a reference to the fact that — at the time — there were more cows living in New Hampshire than…



Dave Ives

I like to write. Seven books so far. Working on ideas for book number eight. Any suggestions?