Praying to the ‘Curve God’

Don’t want to put any pressure on you, but if you flunk this one, you’re gone!

Dave Ives
11 min readMay 2, 2023


Photo by Shubham Sharan on Unsplash

Backstory: Writing my last book I discovered, ‘I’ve got too much material! Got to cut some of it out!’ But, cutting out material from your ‘book-in-progress’ is like cutting out grandma’s apple pie from your diet — can’t do it!

Well, after much sorrowful deliberation, I began cutting out chunks — yes chapters — of excess material. Now, the question becomes, what do I do with all this ‘excess’ material? Answer: Parse them out as articles! Hence, this article. More to come.

This is a story that got axed from my most recent book ‘The Dayton Dilemma: When doing the right thing, isn’t the right thing.’ Although fiction, it’s based on my personal experience. While attending Ohio State many, many years ago, I gained lots of personal experience in a disheartening activity — almost flunking out! The story your about to read is one such experience.

And now for the story …

Don’t Flunk!

He swung his legs to the side then lifted himself out of the connected desk and chair combination. I observed wondering, ‘Where’s he going?’ I didn’t have to wait long to find out as he walked straight towards me, stopped in front of my desk and chair combo…



Dave Ives

I like to write. Seven books so far. Working on ideas for book number eight. Any suggestions?